ASK RABBI SHOCHET – on Soccer, Social Conduct, Surnames and Semitism

I’m Going To That Game – Thank You! Dear Rabbi Thank you for your response in the paper the other week to my question as to...

Bilam’s Lessons of Jewish History

Bilam and Balak’s conspiracy to halt the Jewish advance dominates most of parshat Balak even though the story could easily have been summarized in a few brief verses. Bilam’s prophecies are included, in part, because...

The “State” of Hashem in Our World

  By Rabbi Moshe Taragin for Rosh Hashanah "All of humanity pass before You as sheep.. ". On Rosh Hashanah, Hashem reviews all human behavior, scrutinizes...

Sweet at the beginning

Last week, we talked about the importance of the numbers 3 and eighteen in the Amidah. We will now see how the eighteen blessings...

Rebbe’s Chanukah campaign burns bright

Fifty years ago, The Rebbe launched his global Chanukah campaign. Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson's aim was to share the light of Chanukah with Jews around...

Tehillim Psalm 14

In this week’s Psalm, King David reflects on a world where degraded people deny Hashem exists and therefore, they persecute Israel, thinking that they...

Torah reading: Ki Tetzei

WAYS & WARS This week's reading contains much of the Jewish ethic of warfare, as does last week's. It tells us how to wage a war...

Ask Rabbi Apple on the Chosenness, Family Ties and Ecology

BEING THE "CHOSEN PEOPLE" Q. Isn’t it arrogant and exclusionist for us to regard ourselves as the Chosen People? A. The concept of Jewish "chosenness" offends...

Chanukah, Hellenism, and Hamas

Jewish history isn't random. Selected to represent Hashem and inspire moral and religious spirit, our battles aren’t local and aren’t purely geopolitical. We stand...

Tehillim – Psalm 53

This week’s Tehillim looks prophetically ahead to the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash and the its eventual restoration in the times of Mashiach. The...

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