Rabbi Apple on this week’s Sidrot

TALKING ABOUT TALK It’s strange to have a Torah portion that most people take metaphorically, but that’s what happens with M’tzora. Though the actual theme is...

Tehilim – Psalm 48

This week’s Psalm is the Psalm of the day for Monday. The sons of Korach describe Jerusalem as the ‘Msos kol ha’aretz – the...

Ask The Rabbi – 04/02/19

Dear Rabbi It was such a breath of fresh air when the Jewish Weekly started and although you had some glitches in consistently producing a weekly publication, I...

Happy? I’m just not feeling it!

Dear Rabbi We are supposed to rejoice in the month of Adar and especially on Purim. But what if you’re just not feeling it? I...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tzav

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4sfGjen3_4 In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why this will be a great Shabbat… The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol,...

Ask The Rabbi – Is The Rabbi Moving On?

Is The Rabbi Moving On? Dear Rabbi There’s quite a wide rumour going around that you are being considered for a position on the London Beth...

Israel and the Parsha – Vayeshev

Esav's Malls Parshat Vayeishev launches the conclusion of Sefer Brieishit- the saga of Ya’akov, his family, and the internal strife which gashes any attempt at family unity. Having arrived in...

Ask The Rabbi – Are We Born Into Sin?

Are We Born Into Sin? Dear Rabbi, I quote your answer in reply to Robin who asked this question first: "Judaism forcefully rejects this and believes that...

Ask The Rabbi – How To Treat A Convert

HOW TO TREAT A CONVERT Q. How should we treat a convert – to Judaism, and away from Judaism? A. The convert to Judaism must be...

Parashat Re’eh

Is the Torah speaking directly to me? This week’s Parasha commences with the words “Re’eh Anochi Noten Lifneichem Hayom Bracha U’klalah”, “See, (written in the...

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