Ask Rabbi Schochet

Dear Rabbi In these trying times I am desperately looking for some comfort and some words of encouragement. So many people have taken ill and...

Harav Chananya Yosef Eisenbach zt”l

The Jewish Weekly is saddened to announce the death of one of the great Roshei Yeshiva of Chabad, Rav Chananya Yosef Eisenbach zt"l. Born in...

Torah Action Life – Bo

Tehillim Psalm 16

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Esther bat Yaacov Moshe In this week’s psalm, we open with the line that has been used by...

Ask Rabbi Shochet about Charity, Corona and Choice

CHARITY OR DRUGS? Dear Rabbi On my way to work each morning I pass this panhandler who knows me already by sight because I drop a...

Parshat Matot-Masei

Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkulas was responsible for the destruction of our Temple. Who was this Rabbi and why was such a suggestion given? During these...

Tehillim Psalm 32

This week’s Tehillim is lilui nishmat Zelda bat Shoshana This week’s Psalm is one of the Tehillim that one says if they are looking for...

Tehillim Psalm 27

This Psalm is one of the most famous across Tehillim, as we recite it each morning after Shacharit from the beginning of Elul, until...

Tehilim – Psalm 49

This week’s Psalm is the sobering one that we say at a shiva house. We are shown the importance of using our time in...

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