Moving and Meaningful Tisha B’Av programme Whitefield Community Kollel in their new home, Shomrei...

Sunday Tisha B’Av saw a well-attended day long programme offered at Shomrei Hadas Shul Prestwich by Whitefield Community Kollel. In the day’s programme, led by...

Ask Rabbi Schochet

THE HALACHA ON GRUDGES Dear Rabbi Is there ever any sense or justification for bearing a grudge? My wife and my sister-in-law haven’t spoken in months....

Reflections on the passing of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu zt”l

By Rabbi Jeremy Conway  Somehow it was my great zechus to become a zanav l’aroyos – “a tail to lions” and in particular to the...

Tehilim – Psalm 40

King David was a master of poetry, effortlessly weaving together strands of genius to leave lasting impressions on countless generations of Jews. “Vayaleini meboir...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tazria Metzora In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi discusses the meaning of “Yom Ha’atzmaut”. The term Yom Ha’atzmaut is taken from the root ‘Etzem’,...

Parshat Vayetze

In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi ponders the question: why are we compared to dust? Why are we compared to dust? In Parashat Vayetzei...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tzav In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why this will be a great Shabbat… The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol,...

Walking, standing & sitting – Vayeshev

THE OLDEST BROTHER In the Biblical panoply, Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son, is not one of the leading lights. He played a significant role in the fate...

Tehillim – Psalm 53

This week’s Tehillim looks prophetically ahead to the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash and the its eventual restoration in the times of Mashiach. The...

Tehillim – Psalm 36

In this week’s Psalm, King David explores the topic of sin and how it entices man by luring him in. “Neum pesha larasha, bkerev...

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