Ask The Rabbi

PASSOVER WHISKY Dear Rabbi I wonder if you saw the advert for Kosher for Passover whisky. I am new to all this stuff, but I...

Tehillim Psalm 10

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Suri Dubiner In this week’s Psalm, we open with the line of a famous Avraham Fried song, “Lama...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tzav In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why this will be a great Shabbat… The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol,...

Ask the Rabbi – Abortion

ABORTION Q. Does Judaism permit abortions? A. Judaism regards children as a blessing and procreation as a religious and moral obligation. Through children, a couple cements their...

Daf Yomi on Tik Tok

Every component of the mishkan is iconic. Each article symbolizes a different aspect of religious experience. From the materials to the fabrics, from the...

Torah from Israel : Why is “Letter-Writing” so Important in the Megillah

As the miracle of Purim develops, letters play an important role in the unfolding drama. All told, five letters are composed and dispatched. The...

Thoughts on the Parshah

BY Rabbi Aryeh zev Saunders In this week’s parshah the Jews complained about their lack of good food. They recalled all the delicacies they ate...

Tehillim – Psalm 29

This week’s Tehillim is l’ilui nishmat Zelda bat Shoshana This Psalm is well known as the one we sing both on Friday night as a...

Ask Rabbi Apple

Rabbi Raymond Apple was for many years Australia’s highest profile rabbi and the leading spokesman on Jewish religious issues. After serving congregations in London,...

Parshat Va’etchanan

The Ten Commandments are made up of five pairs. Usually, when it comes to the Decalogue, which of course, we will be reading this Shabbat...

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