Parshat Lech-Lecha

It isn’t just about the destination, the journey counts as well. At the beginning of Parashat Lech Lecha, we have details of the epic journey...

Ask Rabbi Shochet on Rabbi’s Sermons and Jewish Unity

Is Presentation Everything? Dear Rabbi I attend a Synagogue where the Rabbi, not originally English, struggles to express himself properly. We all understand what he’s saying...

Jewish youngsters urged to ‘pass on the torch of memory’

After two years, March of the Living UK - an annual trip giving young people from the UK access to experiential Holocaust education in...

Tehilim – Psalm 41

This tehillim is in memory of Hayeled Yaakov Moshe ben HaRav Avraham This week’s Psalm is one of the chapters that we say when we...

Yom Ha’atzmaut: Jewish history under construction

Redemption comes in many varieties. Sometimes it is a rapid swell and sometimes a gentle flow. Sometimes history is overhauled in a heartbeat and...

Parshat Balak

There were nearly four paragraphs of the Shema. The Gemarah in Mesechet Brachot (12) tells us that originally, our sages wanted to add a fourth...

Ask Rabbi Schochet on Forgiveness, Bans and Babies

I Forgive You – Not Really Dear Rabbi Is it right to tell someone that you forgive them even if in your heart you don’t really...

OzTorah: Choose one mitzvah – T’rumah

GOD’S SANCTUARY Israel are commanded to create a mishkan, a sanctuary for God. It had to be a building where worship took place and people would...

Parashat Shelach Lecha

People are like trees. This is a message we can derive from this week’s Parasha of Shelach Lecha. Moshe was sending the 12 spies into...

Ask the Rabbi

Better off without religion? Dear Rabbi, I came across the Jewish Weekly recently in Manchester and I was intrigued by a lot of what I read....

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