Tehillim – Psalm 29

This week’s Tehillim is l’ilui nishmat Zelda bat Shoshana This Psalm is well known as the one we sing both on Friday night as a...

Tehillim Psalm 22

The deer is especially devoted to its mate, and indeed the animal enjoys much fame across Scripture! Many times they are referenced, such as...

Tehillim Psalm 26

This week’s Tehillim is for a refuah shelema for Zelda Symbol bat Shoshana King David was one of the most righteous Jews who ever...

Tehilim – Psalm 49

This week’s Psalm is the sobering one that we say at a shiva house. We are shown the importance of using our time in...

Tehillim Psalm 16

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Esther bat Yaacov Moshe In this week’s psalm, we open with the line that has been used by...

Tehillim – Psalm 77

We have just finished the joyful festival of Chanukah. Fresh from watching Jews of all ages light up windows around the world...

Psalm 121

We arrive at quite possibly the most famous psalm of the whole book of Tehillim. ‘Esah einai el heharim, meayin yavo ezri. Ezri ma’im Hashem...

Tehillim – Psalm 9

This weeks Tehillim is in memory of Zvi Aryeh ben Avrohom In this weeks Psalm, King David marvels at how Hashem engineers the ‘natural’ decline...

Tehillim Psalm 34

This tehillim is for a refuah shelma for the victims of the New York fire: Shilat bat Louza Aliza, Daniel ben Louza Aliza and...

Tehilim – Psalm 46

There is an interesting Torah thought that if the weekly Sedra, or an approaching festival contains an idea or verse identical or similar to...

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