Parashat Shelach Lecha

People are like trees. This is a message we can derive from this week’s Parasha of Shelach Lecha. Moshe was sending the 12 spies into...

Tehillim Psalm 12

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Rochel Leah bat Avrahom Eliezer In life, very often we will be let down by our fellow humans....

Thoughts on the Parshah

BY Rabbi Aryeh zev Saunders In this week’s parshah the Jews complained about their lack of good food. They recalled all the delicacies they ate...

Parashat Beha’alotecha – How long should a prayer take?

The Gemarah in Mesechet Brachot (34a) tells us of a story of a Tefillah, a prayer service, which was taking place in the Beit...

Nach Review: Yehoshua Chapter 4

As soon as the Jewish people crossed over the River Jordan, Hashem tells Yehoshua to choose 12 men, one man from each tribe, and...

Tehillim Psalm 10

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Suri Dubiner In this week’s Psalm, we open with the line of a famous Avraham Fried song, “Lama...

Chief Rabbi Dvar Torah: Behar – Bechukotai

More than one million names of Shoah victims are not known to us. I find this to be so heart-breaking. Entire families were wiped...

Nach Review: Yehoshua Chapter 3

Yehoshua gets up early in the morning, and the Jewish people journeyed from Shittim and arrived at the Jordan River. After three days, the...

Tehillim – Psalm 9

This weeks Tehillim is in memory of Zvi Aryeh ben Avrohom In this weeks Psalm, King David marvels at how Hashem engineers the ‘natural’ decline...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah: Emor

In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains how the Omer can act as our own personal treasure hunt. Continuity and accuracy are...

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