Yom Ha’atzmaut: Jewish history under construction

Redemption comes in many varieties. Sometimes it is a rapid swell and sometimes a gentle flow. Sometimes history is overhauled in a heartbeat and...

Parshat Korach

What made Korach do something so crazy? Even the most egotistically minded person would have realised that his revolt against people who had been appointed...

Tehillim Psalm 27

This Psalm is one of the most famous across Tehillim, as we recite it each morning after Shacharit from the beginning of Elul, until...

Tehillim Psalm 10

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Suri Dubiner In this week’s Psalm, we open with the line of a famous Avraham Fried song, “Lama...

Transforming our challenges into opportunities

If I were to ask you, "What is the wealthiest place in the universe?", what would you answer? You might suggest the banks, the...

Breishit: Repairing Humpty Dumpty

Around twenty five years ago, on Shabbat Breishit, I attended a Friday night talk of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l prior to Ma’ariv prayers. These...

Beyond the headlines

Last week, the somber news emerged that Major Daniel Perez, previously reported as a hostage, was tragically no longer among the living. Our hearts...

Ask Rabbi Schochet

Should I Tell Them I’m Not Vaccinated?  Dear Rabbi  I attended a Chanukah party last week and of course the conversation of vaccines came up. I...

Tehillim – Psalm 52

When King David was forced to flee from his father in law King Saul, he hid with Achimelech the Kohen. Doeg, his once friend...

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