Tehillim Psalm 20

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Ephraim Yitzchok ben Zev  - Dr Ephraim Jaffe z’l This week’s Psalm, is one that we say every...

Tehillim Psalm 33

This tehillim is for a refuah shelema for Shalom ben Gracia This Psalm is highly recognisable to us as we say it each Shabbat during...

Tehilim – Psalm 41

This tehillim is in memory of Hayeled Yaakov Moshe ben HaRav Avraham This week’s Psalm is one of the chapters that we say when we...

Tehillim – Psalm 57

King David was hiding in a cave, when remarkably his own father in law, King Saul came in to the same cave, together with...

Torah from Israel : Why is “Letter-Writing” so Important in the Megillah

As the miracle of Purim develops, letters play an important role in the unfolding drama. All told, five letters are composed and dispatched. The...

Tehillim Psalm 31

This week’s Tehillim is Shoshana Rhonda bas Freida Sometimes people question the righteous. There is nothing wrong with questioning. The error people make is when...

Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Schochet

How holy is your body? Dear Rabbi, My grandfather is critically ill and I just found out he has requested that he should be cremated. My...

Tehilim – Psalm 49

This week’s Psalm is the sobering one that we say at a shiva house. We are shown the importance of using our time in...

Harav Chananya Yosef Eisenbach zt”l

The Jewish Weekly is saddened to announce the death of one of the great Roshei Yeshiva of Chabad, Rav Chananya Yosef Eisenbach zt"l. Born in...

Ask The Rabbi – Are We Born Into Sin?

Are We Born Into Sin? Dear Rabbi, I quote your answer in reply to Robin who asked this question first: "Judaism forcefully rejects this and believes that...

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