Tehillim Psalm 34

This tehillim is for a refuah shelma for the victims of the New York fire: Shilat bat Louza Aliza, Daniel ben Louza Aliza and...

Tehillim – Psalm 28

Whilst a person is alive, he has all the days of his life to earn G-d’s mercy before his trial in the afterlife. However,...

Tehillim Psalm 23

This week’s Psalm is the well know song we sing every Shabbat, before Kabbalat Shabbat and during seuda shalishit. ‘Hashem Roey Lo Echsar’ -...

HaGaon Rav Dovid Feinstein Zt”l

American Jewry mourns the passing of one of its Torah giants, Rav Dovid Feinstein. The son of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l and...

Ask Rabbi Schochet

Should I Tell Them I’m Not Vaccinated?  Dear Rabbi  I attended a Chanukah party last week and of course the conversation of vaccines came up. I...

Tehilim – Psalm 46

There is an interesting Torah thought that if the weekly Sedra, or an approaching festival contains an idea or verse identical or similar to...

Aish School Trip to Poland has huge impact on students from London and Manchester

This past week Aish UK in partnership with JFS sent a group of students from London and Manchester on a 5 day trip to...

Tehillim 149

This psalm is full of lofty praise for Hashem. The penultimate psalm of Tehillim has been made into an ever popular Avram Fried song....

Dear Rabbi, can I buy a luxury car?

Dear Rabbi I live as a member in a particularly Orthodox Jewish community. I recently bought a nice luxury car and all I get now...

How to be a successful parent – through Torah, love and laughter

By Leon Symons It’s one of the great battlefields of life – parents versus children. They’re our little darlings, our bubelahs, the apples of our eyes...

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