Tehillim Psalm 21

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Louise Haft On Rosh Hashanah, we spend the day in shul, acknowledging that Hashem is our King. With...

Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Schochet

How holy is your body? Dear Rabbi, My grandfather is critically ill and I just found out he has requested that he should be cremated. My...

Ready for the day after – Vayakhel

We open the sidra this week with Moshe Rabbenu assembling the Israelites and telling them 39 things which God expects them to do –...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tazria Metzora

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK6NE8tlQ2w In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi discusses the meaning of “Yom Ha’atzmaut”. The term Yom Ha’atzmaut is taken from the root ‘Etzem’,...

Ask Rabbi Apple

Rabbi Raymond Apple was for many years Australia’s highest profile rabbi and the leading spokesman on Jewish religious issues. After serving congregations in London,...

Tehillim Psalm 16

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Esther bat Yaacov Moshe In this week’s psalm, we open with the line that has been used by...

Torah reading: Balak

MAY JACOB CRITICIZE THE TENTS OF OTHERS? Parashat Balak quotes Bilam's praise of Israel – "How goodly are your tents, O Jacob: your dwelling places,...

Cannibalism, Candles and Conversions

by Rabbi Raymond Apple  CANNIBALISM Q. Is cannibalism kosher? There was an incident in 1972 when survivors of a plane crash in the Andes ate the...


Dear Rabbi I wonder if you could explain to me a message we can learn from the Cherubs in the Temple. I understand the significance...

The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah – PURIM

x In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why Purim can be regarded as the holiest day of the year. On Purim, which...

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